Archives for April 2017

Mental Gymnastics: How The Pentagon Misreports Casualty Numbers

In its most recent published numbers, the Pentagon claims to have killed over 70,000 militants since June 2014 while only killing a mere 229 civilians. That’s an alleged hit rate of over 99 percent.

An employee of Doctors Without Borders, MSF, walks inside the charred remains of the organization's hospital after it was hit by a U.S. airstrike in Kunduz, Afghanistan. (AP/Najim Rahim)

June 2014, around the time ISIS was making headlines across the world, the Wall Street Journal reported that the terror group had 4,000 fighters in Iraq. In September 2014, the CIA released an estimate claiming ISIS had between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters combined in both Iraq and Syria, including 15,000 who were foreign fighters. Almost half

Obama Under Fire For $400K Speech To Wall Street ‘Fat Cats’

Former President Barack Obama’s first speech since leaving office will be a richly-compensated appearance at Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald.

Former President Barack Obama pauses as he hosts a conversation on civic engagement and community organizing, April 24, 2017, at the University of Chicago. (AP/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Former President Barack Obama is garnering criticism for netting a whopping $400,000 for his first major speech since leaving office—a speech to Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald, scheduled to take place in September. Progressives were deeply disappointed by Obama's approach to Wall Street during his presidency, and many are condemning his

Fannie Mae Introduces New Rules To Allow Student-Debt-Laden Millennials To Buy A Home

Fannie Mae released new rules allowing millennial borrowers to, among other things, simply exclude student loans, credit cards and auto loans that are “paid by someone else.

Fannie Mae on Wisconsin Avenue, in northwest Washington, Friday, July 11, 2008. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

So what do you do when a massive student loan bubble results in crippling leverage for an entire generation of your population rendering them financially unqualified to obtain mortgage financing and their 'God-given right' to a slice of the 'American Dream'?  Well, you simply change the rules to allow mortgage lenders to ignore all that pesky

Poll: Americans Support Immigration, Free Trade At Record Levels

60% of Americans are now favorable toward immigration, and the public is split 37% to 37% on freedom of trade.

People carry posters during a rally in support of Muslim Americans and protest of President Donald Trump's immigration policies in Times Square, New York, Sunday, Feb. 19, 2017. (AP/Andres Kudacki)

A new WSJ/NBC poll is showing a significant shift in the American public’s attitude toward immigration and free trade, showing record levels of support for both. 60% of Americans are now favorable toward immigration, and the public is split 37% to 37% on freedom of trade. The shifts are both significant, and both opposite to the position of

Alabama Bill Would Grant Mega-Church Right To Create It’s Own Police Force

If passed, the police force would make history in the U.S., putting the Alabama church on par with the Vatican’s Swiss Guard.

Ben Carson, former candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, speaks to the congregation of Briarwood Presbyterian Church, June 28, 2015, in Birmingham, Ala. (AP/Butch Dill)

On Friday, the Alabama House Committee approved a bill that would grant one church the legal authority to establish their own police force. Senate Bill 193, written by Republican Senator Jabo Waggoner, would give Briarwood Presbyterian Church the ability to employ “one or more persons to act as police officers to protect the safety and integrity

China’s CO2 Emissions From Coal-To-Chemical Industry Set To Soar

China has 46 coal-to-chemical plants in operation, and another 22 under construction — which are projected to add a combined 193 million tonnes of carbon emissions a year once completed.

A Chinese boy cycles past a cooling towers of a coal-fired power plant in Dadong, Shanxi province, China.

China’s coal-to-chemical industry could produce CO2 emissions in excess of 400 million tons a year by the end of the decade — a more than fourfold increase from the 90 million emitted in 2015. Coal-to-chemical projects, which convert coal to other chemical properties, including oil and gas, are extremely carbon intensive, accounting for roughly