Archives for July 2014

Jewish Lobby Compares Pro-Palestine Demonstrations To “Another Holocaust”, Demands Europe Ban Them

Growing protest in Europe over Israel’s latest military campaign in Gaza has Jewsish groups calling for an outright ban in Pro-Palestine protests.

Growing outrage amongst European citizenry over Israel's latest military incursion into Gaza has some in Europe's Jewish population concerned.  Israeli Jewish Congress president Vladimir Sloutsker stated "The situation facing European Jewry is “simply intolerable, unacceptable and inexcusable", referring to the growing pro-Palestinian popular

Former NSA Chief: Why I’m Worth $1 Million A Month To Wall Street

Critics say Keith Alexander’s rapid move to the private sector is cause for concern.

Former NSA Director Keith Alexander says his services warrant a fee of up to a million dollars, due to a cyber-surveillance technique he and his partners at his new security firm IronNet Cybersecurity have developed, Foreign Policy reported on Tuesday. The claim follows reporting earlier this month that Alexander is slated to head a 'cyber-war

Pushing Release Of CIA Torture Report, Senators Threaten Use Of Special Rule

Rarely-used resolution may allow Senate to declassify documents without presidential approval.

U.S. Senators are considering using a special rule to compel the White House to reveal the information from their investigation into the CIA's post-9/11 use of torture to interrogate detainees. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) and Mark Udall (D-Colorado) have both warned the Obama administration this week that they are willing to use Senate Resolution

Brazil Farmers Say GMO Corn No Longer Resistant To Bugs

Farm lobby group calls on Monsanto and other biotech companies to reimburse for additional pesticide treatments.

Brazilian farmers say their GMO corn is no longer resistant to pests, Reuters reported Monday. The Association of Soybean and Corn Producers of the Mato Grosso region said farmers first noticed in March that their genetically modified corn crops were less resistant to the destructive caterpillars that "Bt corn" — which has been genetically

US-Supported “Good Guys” Firing Ballistic Missiles In Ukraine?

U.S. official indicates Pentagon likely to hold back evidence of use of powerful weapons because they come from the side cast as the “good guys” in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine


One day after the U.S. government accused Russia of betraying a signature treaty by test-firing a medium-range ballistic missile, questions are mounting on Tuesday over whether the Ukrainian Army has actually fired short-range ballistic missiles at rebel-held areas in the east of the country. [A U.S.  official] said it is not clear if the United

5 Things You Need to Know About Obama’s Clean Power Plant Rule

You may encounter intense controversy around the idea of cleaning of America’s electricity sector for any one of these three reasons: genuine economic risk, ideology or partisanship. Here are five things to remember as you do.

  Thursday and Friday the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold the final in its series hearings on its proposed rule to clean up carbon pollution from coal fired power plants. There will be a lot of theater, and a lot of opposition as well as support. Some of the opposition comes from workers from coal mining communities or