Archives for June 2022

Forget Liberating Ukraine – We First Need To Liberate Our Minds 

Our compassion to help is being weaponized in ways that kill Ukrainians and destroy their communities. In fighting a ‘madman,’ we are revealing our own insanity.

Nothing should better qualify me to write about world affairs at the moment – and Western meddling in Ukraine – than the fact that I have intimately followed the twists and turns of Israeli politics for two decades. We will turn to the wider picture in a moment. But before that, let us consider developments in Israel, as its “historic,” year-old

Elon Musk, Proofpoint, and the Tentacles of the Surveillance State, with Alan MacLeod

Lowkey is joined by Alan Macleod to discuss Elon Musk’s ties to the Pentagon, the CIA and Israeli cyberintelligence.

The MintPress podcast “The Watchdog,” hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know – including intelligence, lobby, and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting a light

Palestine’s New Resistance Model: How the Past Year Redefined the Struggle for Freedom

A new poll revealed that 60% of Palestinians support “a return to armed confrontations and Intifada” in the struggle against Israel’s occupation.

What took place between May 2021 and May 2022 is nothing less than a paradigm shift in Palestinian resistance. Thanks to the popular and inclusive nature of Palestinian mobilization against the Israeli occupation, resistance in Palestine is no longer an ideological, political or regional preference. In the period between the signing of the Oslo

A Name-Change Gets Kahane Chai Off US Terror List as US Charitable Donations Keep Flowing

The US removed Kahane Chai from its list of terrorist organizations, but as Jessica Buxbaum reveals, the Jewish terror group still receives funding from US charities

WASHINGTON — Last month, the United States decided to remove the Israeli extremist group Kahane Chai from its list of “foreign terror organizations.” The State Department justified its decision by claiming the organization is inactive, but experts suggest the group’s ideology is resurging. Kahane Chai is an extension of the Israeli political

Israel’s Dance of Flags is a Zionist Hate Parade and, by Definition, an Act of War

Anyone who has witnessed the Dance of Flags firsthand in Jerusalem can attest to the fact that this is, without a doubt, a parade of terror. 

JERUSALEM – It is sometimes easier to see things from a distance, especially when talking about Palestine, where tragedies follow each other with unbelievable speed. There is no time to recover from one tragedy before two or three more occur, all initiated by Israel with its all-powerful military and then justified or buried by various branches of

The Frontman of Empire: How Bono’s “Activism” Serves the Powerful

Bono presents himself as a radical activist ruffling feathers and standing up for the world’s oppressed. In reality, he has not done or said anything in decades that discomforts the political and economical rulers of the world, which is precisely why he is constantly invited into the halls of power.

DUBLIN – Bono is again in the news for his political activism. At the behest of Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, the Irish rockstar and frontman of U2 traveled to Kiev, where he performed a few songs with Ukrainian soldiers inside the Khreshchatyk metro station to a crowd of around 100 people – most of whom were journalists. After the