Archives for May 2020

North Dakota Governor Delivers Testing Ground for Mass Tracking Tech

Privacy advocates are raising the alarm over the North Dakota governor’s cozy ties to Bill Gates and big tech as the state deploys new mass surveillance tech under the auspices of limiting COVID-19.

Contact tracing feature photo

College football is deeply ingrained in popular American culture and represents one of the most important mechanisms to foment social cohesion in the country. Owing to the close ties between the government and military and America’s institutions of higher learning, often through research grants and recruitment programs, it will come as no surprise

Yemen: Aden Succumbs to COVID-19 as Saudi Coalition Infighting Distracts From Relief Efforts

The lives of civilians in Aden are being pushed into the abyss not only due to epidemic, disease, and fallout from flash floods but because of violent clashes between opposing factions of the Saudi-led Coalition.

Aden Yemen COVID-19

ADEN, YEMEN -- Southern Yemen’s port city of Aden is quickly becoming the new epicenter of the world’s worst humanitarian disaster. The streets of the city are awash in garbage and many have become mosquitoes-filled swamps, the result of historic floods that ravaged the city earlier this year. City officials have done little to address what has

“We Thought You Were Muslim”: Police in India Apologize for Beating Hindu lawyer

A group of Hindu policemen in central India beat a diabetic man seeking treatment at a hospital after they mistook him for a Muslim man because of his beard.

India Protest Photo of the day

In the late afternoon of March 23, 32-year-old lawyer Deepak Bundele was on his way to a hospital in Madhya Pradesh state in central India. A diabetic, he was there to pick up lifesaving medicine. Before he could make it inside, he was accosted by local police. As he began explaining to the police what he was doing outside, one officer slapped him,

The Power of Propaganda: Americans Think Trump’s COVID-19 Performance Better than China’s

Americans rate their own government’s response, along with that of the UK and Italy, higher than that of China despite those countries having much higher death and infection rates.

Trump COVID-19 Feature photo

A new poll published yesterday by the Pew Research Center found that Americans rate their government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic as better than China’s. This is despite the United States having 20 times the number of infections and deaths as the Asian nation, the epicenter of the outbreak. Unlike Chinese authorities, the Trump

The Palestinian Legacy of East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhood Cannot Be Erased

The rich history and historical significance of Sheikh Jarrah, an East Jerusalem neighborhood dating back to the times of Salahaddin, endures despite the best efforts of Israeli authorities.

Sheik Jarrah Feature photo

As part of a comprehensive campaign of ethnic cleansing in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, the Israeli government has been evicting Palestinians from their homes and handing them over to Jews. These evictions sparked protests which are documented in a film produced by Just Vision, titled "Home Front: Portraits From Sheik

Why Israel Fears the Nakba: How Memory Became Palestine’s Greatest Weapon

Israel is afraid of Palestinian memory, since it is the only facet of its war against the Palestinian people that it cannot fully control.

Israeli police photo of the day

On May 15, thousands of Palestinians in Occupied Palestine and throughout the ‘shatat’, or diaspora, participated in the commemoration of Nakba Day, the one event that unites all Palestinians, regardless of their political differences or backgrounds. For years, social media has added a whole new stratum to this process of commemoration.