Archives for April 2020

As Food Banks Struggle to Cope with Demand, Desperate Farmers Dump Unsellable Produce

The coronavirus pandemic is shaking America’s food supply and production system. And after only a few weeks, it appears much of it is failing the stress test.

Coronavirus Food Bank Farmers

Even as food banks nationwide are inundated with hungry Americans, many of the country’s farmers are dumping or destroying their harvests. Amidst a pandemic that has seen tens of millions of workers laid off, the nation’s food banks have struggled to cope with the surge in demand for their vital services. In San Antonio, over 10,000 people lined

Lee Camp: This Pandemic is Not Just a Crisis, It’s a Gift

Like cancer, capitalism grows until it murders the host body. During this pandemic shutdown, it’s not getting the growth it needs and is becoming benign.

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With most of the country still on lockdown, all is quiet. For those of us lucky enough to be healthy and simply stuck at home — not in mourning; not sick or dying; not performing high-risk “essential” work; not waiting on long food bank lines  — life is on pause. We’re held in limbo. Our existence floats nonchalantly in a bizarre stasis like the

Instead of Providing Masks or Allowing Unions, Whole Foods Unveils New “Hero” Uniform

As corporations like Amazon and Whole Foods spend fortunes on advertising campaigns thanking their workforce for “heroic” service, they refuse to provide even basic protective gear or sick pay and ruthlessly crush any internal dissent.

Coronavirus Whole Foods Feature photo

In the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, premium supermarket chain Whole Foods has redesigned its uniform, giving employees shirts that designate them as “heroes” and “hard core.” The revamp is one of many actions large corporations across the world have taken to symbolically thank their workers amidst the global crisis. Whole

During Coronvrius: Cuba to the Rescue, But Don’t Tell the American people

Anti-Cuba zealots in the Trump administration have been enticing Cuban doctors working overseas to defect, paying journalists to write negative stories, slapping sanctions on Cubans in charge of the program, and strong-arming countries to expel Cuban doctors.

While Bernie Sanders paid a political price for uttering something positive about Cuba’s literacy program, the current pandemic has shown the whole world the heroic side of Cuba’s health care system. I saw this heroism firsthand when I worked with Cuban doctors in poor, remote villages in Africa. It was the 1970s and I was a young woman employed

Podcast: Whitney Webb on the Rise of a Biotech Industrial Complex Under COVID-19 

In this segment of MintCast, investigative journalist Whitney Webb unpacks the many conflicts of interests at play in the government and corporate COVID-19 response and how the search for a cure ties into a larger agenda to use public fear over the pandemic to build a techno-tyrannical state worthy of Orwell’s “1984.”

coronavirus mass surveillance Podcast Artwork

Welcome to MintCast, the official MintPress News podcast hosted by Mnar Muhawesh. MintCast is an interview podcast featuring dissenting voices, independent researchers and journalists the establishment would rather silence. In this episode, we are joined by independent journalist Whitney Webb. Many of our readers and listeners are familiar with

A Machiavellian Fiasco: How a So-Called ‘Centrist’ Resurrected Israel’s Far Right

So-called centrist Benny Gantz has seemingly done everything in his power to assure Israel’s left and center are crippled for years to come and that Netanyahu will continue his decades-long reign unopposed.

Israel Feature photo

It was intended to be a Machiavellian move, but the decision by Benny Gantz, leader of Israel’s Kahol Lavan (Blue and White) coalition, to join a Benjamin Netanyahu-led government is likely to destabilize the political fabric of Israeli society for years to come. In a surprising move, Gantz has entered into precarious political compromises,